Leave the world
We will leave the world a
better place by enriching lives through
service and self-reliance
Redmond’s Soar Foundation is organized
to promote and assist with service related
activities which provide relief of the poor
and distressed or the underprivileged.
Our Board of Directors ensures all
Redmond Soar activities are consistent
with charitable, scientific, literary,
and educational purposes, and for the
prevention of cruelty to children or animals
within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code.
Redmond’s mission to elevate the human experience only works when we really show up — bring our best selves to our roles and recognize the connection we all have to our ability to make a difference.
Service opportunities don’t have to mean leaving the country, or even your corner of the world. Redmond Soar opportunities let you volunteer in your community in just the way you’re passionate about.
For projects that are bigger than one person or one team, you can engage with Redmond Soar to raise funds with challenge grants and project specific fund drives and service opportunities.
Want to make a contribution that lasts? Redmond Soar allows associates to automatically contribute to Soar projects and funds — and see your contributions leveraged with automatic matching of funds donated by all associates.